Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdog

An Old English Sheepdog is a breed of dog formerly used for herding livestock, and now primarily kept as a pet. Believed to have evolved in the South and Western regions of Great Britain and descended mainly from the Bearded Collie, with some strains from the Russion Owtchar and French Briard.

They are best known for their shaggy black and white fur which also covers their face, including their eyes, which leads some casual observers to wonder how they can see.

In the 1991 film Hook, an Old English Sheepdog played the Darling family's dog, Nana. The breed also figures prominently in both the animated and live-action versions of 101 Dalmatians.

A friendly and trustworthy breed which is usually good with children. An excellent guard dog with a resounding bark.

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